A Comparative Study of Different Levels of Teaching

Teaching is a complex task. It is not everybody's cup of tea. Teaching is the process of flow of ideas, instructions and knowledge one mature person to another persons. The prime objective of teaching is the all round development of students.                                                                                                                                      

 Teaching is both a science and an art. It is a life long process. Teaching is a two way interaction between teacher and learners where both can learn and flourish. It is a dynamic process, can never be static. Nowadays the focus has been shifted to the needs of the learners. This is called child centric or learner centric education.                     

Teaching is a process of development and learning. It causes a change in behavior. Teaching is observable, measurable and modifiable. It facilitates learning.                

 A classroom atmosphere

                                                  LEVELS  OF TEACHING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 This complex task is further categorized into three different levels. These are :1 Memory Level 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2 Understanding level                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                              3 Reflective level                             


Memory level of teaching is the lowest level. It  is basically suitable for lower class. Herbart is the proponent of Memory Level of teaching. So this level is also renowned as Herbartian Level of Teaching. This level puts emphasis on memorization and recollection of facts. Rote learning,cramming of facts and information and spoon-feeding are some of the habits developed at this stage.This level lays the foundation stone for other two levels i.e. understanding level and reflective level. The teachers play a vital role and the learners are merely reservoir of facts and information delivered by the teachers. Problem solving capacity, creativity and reasoning skills are not at all developed at this level. The students are largely dependent on the instructor and quite naturally their instructor dominates the classroom. 

Teacher centered method and subject centered method are used at this initial level. Henceforth, much focus is on learning, retention, recall and recognition. These are the four phases of memory - 

                                         1. Learning

                                         2. Retention                                

                                         3. Recall                       

                                        4. Recognition                


1. LEARNING: This is the initial stage of memory. To remember a poem or passage, the first thing is to learn it by heart. Whatever may be the type of learning, we must pay heed to what we learn and have intention to learn.

2. RETENTION: Retention is nothing but retaining the matter that we have learnt or the experiences we have had in the past. Progress in learning happens only when the thing learnt is retained. Whenever a stimulating situation occurs, retained memory traces are revived or reproduced to make memory possible.

3.RECALL: It is the process of remembering the material already learnt. It is also called reproducing. Recalling is possible only if the material learned is retained. So the amount of material recalled is an indication of the amount of retention. Recall is of two types- Spontaneous Recall and Deliberate Recall. Spontaneous recall occurs in a situation when we leave our thoughts free to wander. A large number of thoughts are recalled without any effort on our part is called Spontaneous Recall. To recall which needs efforts, as for example the answer you recall at the time of examination is Deliberate Recall.

4.RECOGNITIONRecognition of the revived image as the image of its past perception is also essential to memory. It is the awareness of the experience that has been previously known or retained. Recognition appears to be a  passive process but in reality it is an active process.

Memory , therefore, means the process in which the effects of past experiences are learnt, retained, reproduced and recognized.


1.This level of learning is a pre-requisite for understanding and reflective levels. This is the first step and thus serves as a strong base for the other two levels.

2.Memory level of teaching is suitable for lower classes. Children are in a habit of rote learning. 

3.The role of the teacher is quite important as he independently chooses subject and method of teaching.

4.At this level oral and written tests and essay type questions are used to measure the learning outcome.


1.The learners are under strict control and supervision of the teacher. So, creativity does not flourish at this stage.

2.This level of teaching is not suitable for higher classes.

3.There is a little scope for classroom interaction and group discussion.

4.The teacher plays a dominant and authoritative role. 

5.This level is the least thoughtful level.

6.There is no room for intrinsic motivation and self learning.


The next level is called Understanding Level of Teaching. The chief proponent of this level is Morrison. Whereas memory level puts emphasis on rote learning and cramming, this level focuses on the mastery of subject matter by developing understanding and insights. Here both teacher and student play an active role. There is enough scope for interaction and development of intellectual abilities. This level lays a strong base for the highest level of teaching i. e. Reflective Level. At this level the learners are capable of grasping the meaning of new concepts taught by the teacher and they can also put the theories into practice. Essay type and objective type questions are effective for measuring the learning outcome at this level. this level is more thoughtful than Memory Level. Moreover, teacher centered and subject centered techniques are used. This level is basically devoted to assisting students in seeing of relationships and tool use of a fact. The conceptualization of ideas and facts is the main aim of this level.


1.This level is effective for higher classes. The students are capable of rendering facts and information in their own words.

2. The students give their own examples in order to explain a point. 

3. At this level the learners can interpret meanings in different ways.

4. Knowledge gained at this level forms the foundation for the Reflective Level of teaching.

5. Rote learning is replaced by understanding of concepts and facts.


1.This level  does not generate higher cognitive abilities i.e. problem solving skills, creativity etc.

2. There is less scope of interaction between the students and the teacher.

3. Subject centered techniques are used here.


Reflective  level of teaching is the highest level of teaching. The chief proponent of this level is Hunt. An open classroom environment characterized by sharing and caring by teachers and students in their interchanges will be most helpful at this level. The students play  an active role and the teacher creates a democratic atmosphere in the classroom so that the children can generate ideas freely. This level is the most thoughtful level. This level can only be achieved after passing through Memory Level and Understanding Level. Now the focus has been shifted from teacher centered to student centered approach. At this the learners develop research skills and analytical skills for solving the practical problems of life. Here  student centered techniques are used. This level of teaching is effective for higher classes as the students of lower classes might lack problem solving skills and creative thinking. Essay type questions are used for measuring the critical and creative skills of the learner. This level is also known as Introspection Level, self evaluation and introspection are the key features of this level.





The initial step of reflection is to collect facts and information about the classroom activities and analysis of them. The important strategies are:

1. RECORDING LESSONS:Classroom activities must be recorded so that the student teacher can visualize the whole classroom phenomenon and reflect on it. Thus he can overcome his weaknesses.

 2.COLLABORATIVE LEARNING: Continuous interaction with peer group enhances the confidence level of the student teacher. The classroom atmosphere must be collaborative rather than competitive.

3.PEER OBSERVATION: A peer member is invited to observe the classroom activities. Observation is an important tool for professional skill development.

4.REFLECTIVE JOURNAL:This is the easiest way to start the process of reflection. This process is purely personal. The student teachers can describe the challenges they encounter in the classroom and their own feelings during the session.

5. TEACHER EDUCATOR FEEDBACK: The valuable feedback provided by the teacher educator helps the student teachers to reflect on the lesson and improve their skill.

6.ACTION RESEARCH: This is a reflective process. This method is widely used for immediate problem solving and improvement of the situation. The student teachers can identify the common problems and thereby devise some solutions.


1.This level provides an ample scope for nurturing creativity and problem solving skills.

2.Essay type questions are widely used here for measuring the learning outcomes of the students.

3. This level focuses on the continuous improvement of different approaches.

4.The teacher can evaluate his own teaching and generate new ideas.

5. This level provides opportunity for professional development.


1.This level is not convenient for lower classes.

2. This process is really time-consuming.

3. All classroom problems cannot be resolved through reflective practices.

4. Here the study materials are neither organized nor systematic.


                              1.           www.knowledgeone.ca                            

                              2.            www.learningclassesonline.com  

                              3             www.scholarify.in

                              4              B.Ed CC02 NSOU understanding the learner and learning process              


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